Hey there, my name is Sualeh Ali,

a graphic-designer, and an aspiring  and budding

developer to-be who looks to make a small change in the huge world that  he finds himself in, even if it   is seemingly small..

because if  the flaps of a butterfly's wings

 can create ripples in the universe,

                      then so can I.


Who is Sualeh Ali?

Sualeh Ali...

As a Karachiite.. As a Pakistani...

As a proud patriot I do feel that there is some intangible form of attachment

with the piece of land I happen to live in. Hence, there is this sense of responsibility

to serve the nation despite not being able to do so as well. And yes, I do owe it that much

 for i not for the green blood that pulsates through my veins, my

entire purpose would be ceased. I am a Pakistani, through and through , with a wish to

serve the motherland in the wake of all the injustice it has faced,

perhaps to finally bring some palpable change.

  As a SPEAKER..

And a fairly introverted

one at that, I still firmly believe that...

"Speech is.. power

to convert..

to   persuade..

to compell"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

As a reader..

Be it the wizarding world of Harry Potter or

the truly heart-warming messages in

Peer-e-Kamil. Books have always been my

source of inspiration. Curled around

a book in bed or with one hand wrapped around

the coffee-mug, they somehow manage to

 transport me to amazing worlds that do not exist,

beautiful places I have not seen and

make me know amazing people I have never met.



As a





 As a wayfarer walking through the

 journey of life, you do tend to need sometimes to dispense all of the  build-up and Blogging has acted as the best medium to map out my life and get my

creative juices flowing.


As a Slave..


I was supposed to give an introduction

of who I am, but all this that I have put in front

you is a shadow of my best self.  The only

one who knows me with all my flaws,

blemishes and weaknesses is my Rabb

and He knows what a  disobedient slave

I am, and how I have let him down each time.

But the only strand of hope stands with Him

as well so I pray with hope and fear that

  He will forgive me. Amen.


As a Designer..

View a brief outline of my work in the       snapshot, or reach me at smsali97@gmail.com

 or request a CV. Fill out the form below for any further




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A Snapshot for  my Portfolio


Made with Adobe Muse

Lots of Pyar &